• 1+(91) 458 654 528

  • info@example.com

  • 1105 Roosevelt Street, CA

Member – New Standard Member


Independent Gym
Supported by our Strategic Partners : Independent Gym Independent Gym Independent Gym Independent Gym

Hi [member_name],

Thank you for being part of  Independent Gym,

There are now more than [gym_total]+  independent facilities on our map which is more than PureGym and Anytime Fitness combined!

Our aim is to support independent facilities and to help you to grow. As well as the map, there are other benefits you can use as a member of the site to support you and your bussiness:

Discount and Offers

From over 50+ brand across 15 categories to support your business [partners]

Free Webinars

We host bite-size 40 minutes webinars, which experts on topics such as accounting, remote training, retention and social.

Free Resources

A library of content which is free to download ranging for membership comms, to PT contract to equipment service checklist.


Discount from 50+ Partners

With a standard Membership you get discounts on over 50 partners across a range of categories, from the likes of Myzone, Inbody, Core and Partners & to name a few

Take a 30-day Standard Membership trial

Learn more about all the great value you get with you membership here.


Rob Handy

Independent Gyms Founder